Speed Animating a Walkcycle – Timelapse video

A little demo of how I block out a quick walk-cycle using custom mirroring tools I’ve written for Maya. Generally I don’t animate most things in such a layered fashion, but for walks and runs I find it’s a nice way to work quickly.

The main tools I’m using here are scripts that allow me to mirror different kinds of controllers, from IK feet and hands to Spine controllers and FK arms. These will work with pretty much any rig and don’t need any set-up. During the blocking section I’m also using a tool that keys the same pose on the first and last frame of the cycle so I don’t have to play that frame when animating (which would look like a hitch since it’s the same pose as frame 1). That tool is based on the ‘set prompt’ tool in Maya but automatically figures out how long the loop is so I don’t have to type it in each time (I think I’m actually using it too quickly to see clearly in the video but you’ll see it flash up now and then 🙂 )

The other thing you’ll see me doing from time to time is favoring keys using my own version of the classic ‘TweenMachine’ tool (the arrow buttons on my shelf). I wrote a TweenMachine tool for C4D a while back (available on my website) and found I preferred just having some buttons to nudge poses back and forward rather than a slider so I wrote one for Maya too.

At the end of the video I convert the walk-in-place to one that translates in world space using another tool I created called ‘bh_snapToWorldspace’.

This video is sped up 6x and it real time this was about 25 minutes in total. Hope you find it interesting!
The Sheldon rig is from the fantastic iAnimate online animation school.

Scripting Reel 2013

I love to Animate but I hate to do mindless repetitive tasks.. so I script!
Various tools I’ve written over the last couple of years for Maya, Cinema 4D and ZBrush, in MEL, Python, COFFEE and ZScript.
Some of them are available to download on my website graphite9.com, others are just for me right now 😉

bhGhost Update 1-08

By far the most popular script I’ve created so far is my ‘bhGhost’ tool for Maya. I’ve gotten amazing response from animators all around the world about it. Here’s the original preview video I made to demonstrate an early version of it.

Just the other day I was asked a question by the person whose lecture originally inspired me to create bhGhost, Jason Ryan (supervising animator at Dreamworks and founder of iAnimate).

Jason was wondering if it was possible to ghost only the keys in a selected range of the timeslider. Well, at the time that wasn’t possible but I thought it was a great suggestion so I added that function to it. Here’s a video demonstrating the new workflow. bhGhost is free to download from my Maya downloads page here.

There’s also a video I made on the general workflow with the original version (all of which is still valid) along with some tips on potential uses of it.

And one last video, this shows an earlier update where I added a function to create shelf buttons for different characters in your shot, making it much quicker to switch the ghost tool from character to character.