A quick little rig I built while working on the short seen here – https://vimeo.com/90850009
Nothing too fancy but it was easy to animate and it did just what was needed for the shot, so that’s a good rig in my book. (sorry!)
Monthly Archives: May 2014
bh oddRuleEase – Physically accurate spacing tool for Maya
Taking the principles of the tool I wrote yesterday and making it ultra fast to create physically accurate animation for falling objects in Maya. Watch in HD to see what this does to animation curves.
bh oddRuler – Physically correct Spacing guide tool for Maya
I was watching a video from AnimationPhysics.org discussing ‘the odd rule’ or ‘Galileo’s Ramp’, which demonstrates a formula for calculating physically correct spacing of a body affected by gravity and I thought ‘maybe I could create a tool for Maya that would help figure this out by creating visual guides in the viewport based off that formula’.
So I did! This tool takes two objects (start and end positions) and the number of frames the move should take and creates guides that represent the physically correct spacing for natural acceleration due to gravity. It’s a very early WIP right now but I think it has promise.
2014 Animation Reel
My animation reel for 2014. Some old work, some new, some Maya, some C4D. Thanks for watching!
Even more face sketches..
Still drawing every day. These started as 30 second sketches and then I went back and detailed them a little.
Spidercat Returns! Unity mechanim study continued..
I’m learning about the Mecanim system in the Unity game engine and I put this test project together to try out using blend trees and scripting to switch between different animations like walk, run, idle, jump, walk+turn etc driven by user input.
All modeling, rigging and animation here created by me.
Spider Cat – Speed modelling, texturing, rigging and animation.
I needed a test character to brush up on the animation workflow between Maya and the latest version of the Unity game engine so I made this fun little guy. I modeled, uv mapped, textured, rigged and animated 3 simple cycles in about 2 hours total. Tools used were ZBrush, Headus UV Layout and Maya.